Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Office Tour

Welcome to my office tour!! I am always curious about what school counsellors do with the space that they have. I thought I'd share with you what I've done with my space. When you walk into my room this is what you see! 

I love that I have a couch and 4 chairs, which comfortably fits at least 8 kids or 6 adults. I am also really lucky to have windows that let in lots of natural light (when the sun decides to come out in England). I hold Student Support Team meetings in my office (they rotate and I meet with a different grade level each week), parent meetings, small groups and lots of individual sessions. 
You can also see my sand tray (under the little wooden table) which is new this year. Some of my students that have a hard time talking will open up more if they are talking while playing in the sand box or drawing, playing with clay...
I have started my thank you card collection on my back windowsill. If I am having a tough day at work, seeing appreciation from others usually makes me smile. :)
You can also see my small fan/space heater under the printer. I need white noise to sleep at night and find that sound very comforting and relaxing. The fan runs all day and helps keep our conversations private and drowns out background noises. I don't think I could comfortably work without that sound.

This is the view of my office from my desk. I pretty much always have 'to do' piles on the right. As you can clearly see I have lots to do. I still handwrite my schedule in a planner, I'm not quite ready to make the jump to my calendar on my iPad. Maybe next year? What do you use to keep track of your schedule?

In a previous post I mentioned this large world velcro map. I had my eye on it for a while and wrote a grant to get funding for it. I am so thankful that I was able to get it through our GIFT grant program. We ended up getting a thin wood board to nail it to. Whenever students come into my office they almost always first notice this beautiful map (some see my free hug bear and think it's someone else in the room). Students love to find places they have lived or have traveled to. The map also comes up with velcro pieces that are flags, animals and landmarks from all over the world. They love to move the pieces around.
International schools by nature are a very transient community. We constantly have students coming and students leaving, all year long. One of the many things I do with students before they prepare to leave our school is have them write their name on a small piece of cardstock. I attach a piece of velcro and they get to put their name up on the map wherever it is that they are heading. Throughout the school year as their friends come to my office they always look at the map and see the names of their friends and take a moment to think about them.
Yes, that's my red and white polka dot tea pot! I do live in England, and a meeting is so much more comfortable and relaxing with a cup of tea in hand.

I was overwhelmed with the number of my 'go to' books. I decided I will need to dedicate an entire post just to my favorites. My filing cabinet is sorted alphabetically. Most of my notes and records are typed on my computer and are backed up to my time machine. Another post for more details on my system.
I collect seashells and have them all around my room. My collection continues to grow thanks to my students. They know how much I love shells and always remember to bring some back from me when they go on holiday! 
The teal and green boxes are filled with candy. This comes out at grade level meetings, specials meetings and they are there for when a co-worker or I need a pick me up! One box is filled with sugary, sweet, sour candies the other is filled with chocolates. You never know when someone needs a little treat!

I am so lucky to share this space with the middle years counsellor. Her office is the second green door on the right. It is wonderful to have a counsellor to chat with, run ideas past, get/give advice throughout the day. We work very closely together so being a shout away is wonderful. We constantly share this space and I am always using it for lunch bunches, small groups, meetings, etc. We almost always have freshly brewed coffee and snacks so it is a nice place for teachers and staff to come by and chat too.

And I have saved the best for last. My school is absolutely beautiful. Every single day that I pull up to this view I feel like I am dreaming. I am one lucky school counsellor to work in a school that is so beautiful on the inside and outside.

Thanks for joining me on my office tour. Cheers!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

A few of my favorite things in and around my office...

Is anyone else wondering where the time goes? Seriously, how is it October already?? My school year is off to a great start and I hope yours is too! I thought I should take some time to share a few of my favorite things...

I worked with the middle years counsellor to figure out a good way to decorate our shared bulletin board that was appropriate for both lower and middle school students. I got the idea and .pdf files to decorate our board from entirely elementary! Thank you, Susan, for your inspiration and for making it so easy to make our own version. Here are the signs and here are the words. Now all you have to do is pick fun paper colors, print, laminate and get creative in your display! Here is how ours turned out:

 I have decorated the door to my office thanks to some other school counsellor blog ideas.

I have seen this on so many blogs and decided to make one myself. Right after I put it up I changed the dial any time I left my office. Now I have fallen out of the habit and keep forgetting to change it. Don't worry though, my students are always fixing it for me. Really, they do! They love to tell me that I forgot, again, and then they move the dial to the right spot. So lucky to have them help me keep track of my whereabouts!

Behind my door you may have noticed some of these letter magnets. My husband gave them to me a week ago and I put them right up on my magnetic wall. Later that same day this is what I found! My students are loving these magnetic letters, which makes me so happy. During a quick conversation with a parent the other day, one of my students walked over to the magnets and put up the words 'teamwork' and 'smile'. In character education this week we had been talking about working together and being bucket fillers. I think it stuck! I love that this wall and the words on it are constantly changing. All of my students (and teachers too) seem to be attracted to it. :)

Some other must haves in and around my office:
- Soft tissues and sanitizer are a must and are always out.
- My students love playing with this wooden world. Inside are little wooden people that come from all around the world. They line them up, move them around, make them talk and always have fun with this one.
- This timer is the greatest thing ever. I think I may have 'borrowed' it from my brother (thanks MJ). They love watching it ooze from one side to another. Lots of students ask to borrow it for their cool down kit to help them set a time limit on taking time to relax and cool off.
- Another thing worth mentioning is the book my students helped me to create, "While you are at ACS Hillingdon be sure to..." Last year, students that were leaving our school to move to a different school, got to leave their advice behind. Each student decorated a page to put in this book. Their advice is for new students that join us. Lots of time during a new student welcome lunch bunch group we pull out this book to hear the words of wisdom that students left behind for them. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Some advice is serious and other advice makes us smile or laugh. The pictures and uniqueness of each and every page make it so special. I love keeping this out for anyone to pick up and browse through!
- Post-its are there for students that come by when I'm not in my office (and may or may not have forgot to change the dial on my Where Is Mrs. Seaberg sign). Only fifth graders pop in on their own so they know to write their name on a post-it and to put it on my chair so I see it in case my desk is messy right away!

I could go on and on, but I am only picking a few of my favorite things. Last thing to share for now are my Kimochis, which in Japanese means feelings. These are beautiful stuffed animals, each with a story. For example meet Bug (on the left). Bug is a caterpillar that is afraid of change. At the end of the school year when we are talking about transitions (moving, changing grades, new teacher, things happening over the summer) I bring Bug in to my grade 1 and 2 classes during character education. Students come up with advice to offer Bug and encourage him to change because change can be a good thing. They try to convince him and say things like, it might be scary at first but you will discover new and exciting things come with change. I take Bug into the hallway to think over their advice (which always works) and pull out Bugs wings (which are tucked into little pockets behind his back) and he enters the classroom as a beautiful butterfly! Another great thing about my Kimochis is they have stomach pockets that we fill with feeling faces. These are often incorporated into individual and small group counselling sessions when we are discussing our feelings. The kids love them and if you want your own, you can find them here.

Next up is a picture tour of my office!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Digital Citizenship

Let's face it, our students are the iGeneration! Preparing our students to be safe, responsible and respectful in the digital world that they live in is an extremely important job and someone's gotta do it!

This year, our IT strategic plan included most of the students in my school receiving an iPad! With our students using technology more and more, they are very much living in a digital world.

On Friday, 15 March I presented at the annual ECIS Tech Conference on our Digital Citizenship Programme in the Lower School with the mobile technology coordinator at my school. I was so excited to present to over 50 professionals from all over Europe! Below I will share with you what I spoke about in my presentation. Be sure to also check out the prezi that goes along with it.

As time has passed we have all seen the increased use in technology and the very strong need to work with our students on important things like how to stay safe while using all of this technology. As needs continue to arise I'm sure that like me, many of you have been working hard to develop a programme at your school to adress these needs. In developing our programme we wanted to make sure that we were being pro-active and not just reactive.

Our students have charged ahead into a digital world full of creative opportunities, ethical dilemmas and cyber-risks that were unimaginable just a few years ago. I believe that we will continue in this direction as things like iPads, phones and google glass get into the hands of younger and younger students. The topic of digital citizenship is certainly gaining momentum around the world. With the growth of bring your own device (BYOD) and 1:1 initiatives in schools, there is a need to talk about responsible use of technology. Every day, our students are tested with each post, search, chat, text message, download and update they make. We have always taught our students and our children manners at the dinner table, how to interact with others in public places and to treat others the way we want to be treated. Now we need to talk to our students about how to use good manners when leaving a comment and discuss with them what to do if someone is bothering them online or wants to meet them in person. These are the new social skills for our students.

At ACS Hillingdon we were all in agreement that these things needed to be integrated into our curriculum so we came up with an idea to develop a programme to support our students. It was so important for us to work as a team. At ACS Hillingdon that team was made up of our administrators, counsellors, librarians, IT department, teachers, parents and students. The time that we took to collaborate was vital in making this programme work.

We also came up with a school procedure called the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA). This agreement aligns with our school rule of respect. Our students are all very familiar with this document.

Another key component is working with our parents. Communication with parents is so important, always let them know what you are doing with students. Invite them in for parent information meetings and listen to their concerns so that you can help to address them or give advice. The internet is such an integral part of children's lives these days. Whether on a computer at school, a laptop at home, a game console or mobile phone, children are increasingly accessing technology whenever they can and wherever they are. As parents would protect their child in the real world, they will want to make sure that they are safe while using technology. Like learning to cross the road, online safety skills are skills for life. An important thing to remember is that what happens at home, at school and online all need to be addressed in a similar way.

Think about what technology was like just 5 years ago. In a short timespan it has changed so much! I have to admit it can be quite scary to think about what direction we are headed in and what technology will look like in 5 years. As technology constantly changes, you have to be willing to let your programme change with it. It is so important to be flexible and adaptable. Don't get your heart set on anything because your programme should not be set in stone.

When you think about everything related to digital citizenship it can be a bit overwhelming...

Take a look at this video, Be a Digital Citizen.

Ok, back to the development of our programme. So, with all of these other pieces in place I was then able to sit down with the other school counsellors at ACS. We thought of digital citizenship as an umbrella term that covers many important skills to be taught and topics to explore. Our first question was how can we make time for this in an already overcrowded curriculum? As the Pre-K to grade 5 school counsellor I am already going into classrooms every other week. During this time I run character education classes. Topics range from friendship to personal space came and from kindness to managing worries. I figured it would be easy enough for me to incorporate digital citizenship throughout the school year through my character ed classes. It is also important to note that this is NOT the only time that we talk about digital citizenship or cyber safety. As things come up we adress them. Something might come up with a classroom teacher, a specials teacher or in the hallway. All of our teachers integrate this into their day to day activities and as needed, especially for those important teaching moments.

So we had our team, AUA agreement, parent support... next, the counsellors developed a scope and sequence using the NETS performance indicators. Other schools have scope and sequences so do your research before you sit down to do this. We borrowed ideas and put them together in a way that worked for us. Once our research was done the counsellors worked together on a shared google doc. We came up with two strands for our scope and sequence; digital citizenship and cyber safety. Our scope and sequence is our map and it is our expectation that as students progress through our school they will move from basic to intermediate to proficient in these areas. Here is part of what it looks like, for the whole document check out my prezi.

Now with our plan I needed some activities. That's where common sense media comes into the picture. They are hands down my go to resource for digital citizenship. Common sense media shares a FREE digital literacy and citizenship curriculum to help educators empower their students and their school communities to be safe, responsible and savvy as they navigate this fast-paced digital world. Their activities are research based and come with videos, extensions, student assessments and follow up material to send home to parents. Not only that but common sense media is a great resource for parents too!

Their curriculum covers eight categories and the sequence consists of spiraling units, each containing five lessons that build on one another, reinforcing developmentally appropriate topics through age-appropriate activities. Incredible, I know! I will almost always start here and take bits and pieces to make activities work with my students. Here are some examples of some lessons I have done with my students so far this year...

In kindergarten at the beginning of the school year we learned about, going places safely. Students are comparing staying safe in the real world with staying safe in the online world. By the end of the lesson they see that the rules are the same whether you are on or offline. After going through this activity with my kindergarteners at the beginning of the school year, watch this video to see what they took from it.

In second grade we did the lesson, follow the digital trail. This was fun because my second graders were detectives. They were looking up information about Electra the elephant and Mizzle the mouse. They got to determine who had a bigger digital footprint by following their digital trail. Students understand the important message that once you put something online it is part of your digital footprint, which is permanent.

Next, in fourth garde we talked about staying safe online. Here is a video of my fourth graders so you can see what they learned from some of our activities.

I loved using this poster with my 3rd and 4th graders!

I know, there is a ton information. Sorry for the overload but I could talk forever about this. I will end this very long post with a quote, "Technology has a tremendous impact on our culture. Like learning how to read and write learning digital citizenship prepares students to fully participate in a digital world that is here to stay. Let's prepare our students with the best internet filter in the world... the one right between their ears." Cyberwise

What do you do to teach your students about digital citizenship? I am always looking for new ideas and resources. Be sure to comment below!!

Monday, 4 March 2013

My First Documentary!

I am so beyond excited to finally be able to share with you my very first documentary!! I just got the 'ok' to officially make the video public and I already have a request from Families in Global Transition (FIGT) to show it at an upcoming conference. It's really exciting to be able to share this incredible resource with others.

Rewind to last year. It was at the ECIS conference in Portugal that I saw Laura Cowan's TCK Documentary made with students at the Shanghai American School. Hearing the voices of Laura's students was so powerful. I knew immediately that I wanted to make my own documentary.

As soon as I got back to London I started filming my students. I decided to interview students that were preparing to move on to new schools. Helping to create the video was something special that they were able to leave behind. They knew that their advice and voices would be heard by many children and people all over the world! Students were so excited to share their feelings on being a TCK. They had so much to say about the benefits and challenges of being a TCK. Students were able to offer advice to other TCK's like them and to parents and educators on ways to best support them through their transitions and developing identities.

So, basically I was able to get lots of incredible footage, it was the editing that I needed help with. That's where Jennifer Margain Salvador comes into the picture. Jennifer is a good friend of mine and she recently graduated from film school in London. She had some time on her hands and offered to edit my documentary. Jennifer spent a lot of time getting this video just right. She is so talented and passionate about her work, I can't wait to see more videos that she makes in the future. I couldn't have done this without her help.

I don't need to say much more, the kids cover it all! When you have 10 minutes take a look at how amazing the kids that I get to work with every single day are. This video will help you to understand why I love my job so much. My students are incredible. Enjoy my TCK Documentary and be sure to let me know what you think!

Just click on the link below:
TCK Documentary

Friday, 8 February 2013

Knitting + Romania

At first I think everyone thought I was crazy. Teach fourth graders how to knit! I will admit it was a daunting task. How did I come up with this idea? Let me back up a bit...

For over ten years my husbands school has worked with Hope and Homes for Children. They are an international charity that works to close down unsafe institutional facilities and places children in smaller family homes. They do what they can to reunite families and keep siblings together.

When we were in Romania last year we spent our time visiting the small family homes that are wonderful places for children to live. Last year we painted, helped with renovations, made mărÈ›iÈ™ors, hosted a karate show (then over the summer sent the children to a karate sleep away camp), brought a guitar (then funded guitar lessons for the children), played games, danced, sang, got to know the children and made a difference in their lives. They might not know it but they changed each and every one of us.  

The following month at my school we were studying Romania so I made this prezi to share some of my experiences with my students.

So back to knitting... my students wanted to find a way to show their support. They wanted to do something special and unique for the children in Romania. Student Council in Lower School is fourth graders so, 9 and 10 year olds, that decided they wanted to learn how to knit! Every single one of them will tell you that at first it wasn't easy. They had to try and try again, they got frustrated at times but had to stick with it, they encouraged one another, helped each other and eventually they got it and began to love it! Students knit small squares and yes, there was a huge celebration with lots of cheering each time one of us completed another square. With the help of staff and parents we were able to knit enough squares to sew together to make a beautiful quilt. We will take the quilt with us to Romania along with a beautiful card to give to the children in one of the small family homes we will visit. I will do my best to take pictures and video so that I can share their reaction with my students who worked so hard to make this beautiful gift.

Each student got a ball of yarn (color of their choice) and their own set of knitting needles!

They practiced and worked at it until they got it. After that it was easy and fun!

Here are some of the completed squares...

And the finished, beautiful quilt!

Our warm and cozy quilt!

So many of my students have learned to love knitting. It was music to my ears when they asked me if they could take their knitting supplies home over the winter break. Some of them were asking for knitting needles and yarn instead of video games for the holidays. It would make me smile when they would run to me in the mornings to turn in some squares that they had knitted with grandma or another relative. Grade 4 loves knitting so much that I have started up a knitting club!  

We leave for Romania bright and early Sunday morning. I can't wait to share more about our trip when we return!

Ideas for new students

In an International School, students are constantly coming and going. I have to be prepared to welcome new families that are joining us, help to transition families that are leaving us while always being there for the families that are staying and are having to say goodbye to their closest friends. There is a lot of transition at our school and it feels like there are constantly students coming and going. I wanted to share with you some of the things that I have in place to ensure a smooth transition for all!

For students that are new to our school I am always sure to meet them on their very first day. I will usually head to their classroom in the morning and have a student from their class introduce us. After we are formally introduced :) I come up with a secret signal that we can use to communicate how they are doing throughout the day and weeks to come. The signal they make will let me know how they are feeling and how things are going. (Shhh... if you promise not to tell anyone I will share a secret signal we sometimes use. So, top secret, a thumbs up means everything is going great and they are feeling wonderful about how their day is going so far, a sideways thumb means they are doing alright but would like to talk for a few, and a thumbs down means they need to talk to me now because things are not going so well). I often appear in the cafeteria, outside at recess, in the hallway, at their classroom door (yikes) all to check up on them and make sure they are doing alright. If I get lots of thumbs up I check in less frequently. It is comforting for them to know that someone is thinking about them. Lots of times I will call home to quickly touch base with parents to let them know how many smiles I see throughout the day. This is a system that definitely works for me and the students love seeing a familiar face and they love having a secret signal.

After a new student has had a few days to settle in, I will arrange a welcome lunch bunch. The teacher, student and I work together to help them invite a few friends to join us for lunch. We chat and get to know one another a little better.  We talk about all the feelings that go along with moving and starting at a new school. Students chime in and talk about their experiences and offer advice. It is low key, laid back and very relaxed. They take a tour of my office and learn more about what my role as a school counsellor is. I give them this letter to take home:

Along with a much longer letter to parents. I also go through the contents of their very own.... New Student Survival Kit! To create their survival kit I basically just looked for extra items that were laying around and found a way to make them symbolic. Once I came up with a set list I made a sign to go with the kit. We go through it together and students really enjoy thinking of the meaning behind each item as I hold them up. Even though they are items we use daily, they bring up great conversations about the things to keep in mind during their transition. I do have to say though that the pencils I give them are fun mechanical pencils that everyone else gets jealous of. This gives the survival kit an automatic cool factor and soon everyone else wishes they had one! Here is the information I put together for their survival kit, which I wrap up in a cute little bag for them to take home...

I will do another post on what I do for students that are preparing to move on to another school one of these days. If you have any questions please let me know. I have gotten great feedback from parents, teachers, and students about the survival kit and welcome lunch bunch groups and I am always on the lookout for new ideas. Please leave a comment if there is a great idea you have!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

International Mindedness (ACS PR Interview)

I had an interview with someone from the ACS International School PR team and spent a lot of time answering some great questions.  I thought some of you might be interested in taking a look.  There is a lot of information on international mindedness.  I figured I would just post  all of it, so have a look and enjoy!
Please could you give me a brief summary of your background? How long have you been a school counselor for? What different types of schools have you worked at?

I was born and raised in Long Island, New York and always dreamed I would one day be a teacher. It was while I was getting my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from SUNY New Paltz that a passion for working in counselling began to emerge. As a result, I enrolled at Long Island University, C.W. Post to get my masters degree in school counselling. 
My first job was in an elementary school in Connecticut. I was the only school counsellor for 1,000 students! Next we moved to North Carolina where I worked as an elementary school counsellor for two years. Budgets were being cut and I was getting worried about the security of my job. I was told the last two school counsellors that were hired in our district were the first two that would be asked to go (I was the second to last hired). This knowledge furthered my commitment to search for international opportunities, a process I had previously started. After a few months of interviews, an international job fair and lots of waiting and thinking, I finally accepted my position at ACS Hillingdon International School. My husband and I prepared to move our entire lives (including our two cats) to the other side of the pond all while planning our wedding. We got married in May of 2011 and I am now in my second year working as the Pre-K to Grade 5 school counsellor at ACS Hillingdon. I couldn’t be happier!

What does your role entail?

As the Pre-K to Grade 5 School Counsellor, I work with every student – interacting with them individually, in a small group environment, and/or in the classroom context.
To access individual counselling, a student is referred by their parent, teacher or principal. Students can also request to see me. Students come to me to talk about things that impact their learning at school, such as friendships, worries, and self-esteem. In my office, students can feel free to talk about how they are feeling and we work together to problem solve. 
For small group counselling, I send home a permission form that informs parents about the purpose and duration of the group. Parents can accept or decline the invitation for their child to participate in a small group. Some groups I have run in the past include: friendship, social skills, and new students. Groups are based on student needs and rotate throughout the grades during the school year.
I also address students through the delivery of classroom-based Character Education. Some topics include: transitions, self-esteem, making and keeping friends, positive school behaviours, staying organized, stress, time management, and digital citizenship. As a school and community we all work together to teach students a variety of themes that promote our core values. Developing positive character traits and having an open mind is something that is woven into the curriculum and our school culture.
Beyond these traditional counsellor/student interactions I also coordinate the Peer Mentor Program. Every student in fourth grade has the opportunity to be a peer mentor during the school year. Peer mentors have the important responsibility of acting as a leader for the lower school. As a peer mentor, students will be trained to assist with many student needs: conflict resolution, peer mediation, inclusion and friendship skills, welcoming new students and more! 
This year I am also facilitating our lower school student council in their school leadership to promote international-mindedness. I guide students in helping the school to  think internationally as well as work together to help others that are not as fortunate as we are.
My work with students, staff, parents and the community helps me to support and meet the needs of all students.

What are the main areas of counselling students that you are involved with?

I work with students individually on a number of different things but the majority of my time is spent working with students on transitions. International schools are, by nature, comprised of a transient population so I spend a lot of time ensuring a smooth transition.
As new students enroll throughout the school year, I facilitate a group activity upon their arrival. With the classroom teacher’s assistance, we work together to immerse the new student into our classroom community, usually matching them with a peer with whom they will work closely. The new students come and eat lunch with me and a few other friends during this time. We get to know one another and talk about where new students are coming from. We also discuss the feelings involved with moving and all of the changes that go along with it. This year, students received a new student survival kit to help them transition. The items in their kit were symbolic, daily reminders about staying positive as they navigate all of the changes.
During the school year as students prepare to move on to another school, a group is held to say goodbye and work towards providing the student with some closure. Students are asked to invite a few friends to join them for a lunch group before they go. During this time, their friends will share memories and sign an autograph book so that students can exchange contact information. Last year, I had students who were preparing to move to a new school leave something special behind. They chose to capture their legacy through the creation of a book, giving each student an opportunity to leave advice for incoming students. Some students left general advice about making as many friends as you can while you are here, being true to yourself and to keep calm and carry on while others left more specific words of wisdom like try the cookies in the cafeteria, go on the London Eye, and eat at Wagamama. New students have loved reading through this book to get ideas so it is a tradition I will continue. 
While I work with students individually throughout their journey, I find there is a lot of power in students working together through their transitions. I can give all the advice in the world and use every trick I have but every single time I facilitate a group, I am continually amazed at the advice students share with one another. Students hearing ideas from their peers can be extremely influential. If there is one thing I feel proud of every single day it is how incredible our students are at supporting one another. They are always willing to lend a helping hand, offer advice and cheer one another up. I am so lucky to be at a school that feels like a community.
This year I am asking our students to share their personal experience moving here. We are creating a book to leave in reception so that as new families come and visit our school they can look at the stories of real students. They have had so much fun reflecting on when they first found out their family was going to move, how they felt on their very first day of school and how they feel now that they have settled down.
My goal as a school counsellor is to help every child be successful academically, socially, and emotionally.

Do you find students have particular difficulties coping with relocation around traditional holidays?

Students are coping with a ‘different’ holiday celebration if they are in a new place. It can be especially difficult for families who are unable to travel to their home country or be with their family and friends during this special time. That being said, I feel those times of year can be a challenge for some families, especially the newer ones that have more recently joined our community. Things are going to be different in a new place and the adjustment period is different for everyone.

What would your top advice be to students and families struggling with transition during a holiday season?

Some families choose to travel back home to be with their families and friends during our breaks. Others travel to new places and experience different and new traditions.
Whatever it is that families choose to do over the holiday season, my advice is to keep your culture, traditions and holidays alive and help your children appreciate the new and different experiences that come with it!
Although it is not always possible to be close to our loved ones, technology makes interactions with our friends and family more accessible over the distance. Email, skype, and facetime are some ways to ‘be’ with the ones we love. Though certainly not the same as being geographically close, those technology tools do much to help families navigate the transition.
I am always available for parents that are struggling with transition. Every person and family goes through their transition in their own way and I am always here to offer my support. I know that the holidays can be a difficult time to be in a new place so I would encourage parents to reach out if they need some advice. The exciting thing about being part of our international community is having the opportunity to learn and celebrate other holidays as well as our own. I would suggest that parents remember this as they carry on their traditions and try and incorporate new ones to have the best of both worlds!

How does ACS celebrate different cultures attitudes towards Christmas and other holidays, and how are you involved with this?

At ACS HIllingdon, we do our best to celebrate as many different holidays as we can. We know that our students celebrate a number of different traditions so we are intentional in our encouragement of parental participation when it comes to sharing cultures and traditions with our students.
Throughout the school year, we have Multicultural Exploration. Last year students explored the cultures and traditions of Scandinavia, China, Latin America and India. This year we had parents come in to teach students about the United States of America. Students learned history, were taught how to square dance and enjoyed traditional American treats. We will have more Multicultural Explorations this year including Israel, Japan and other countries. Most recently, students learned about the five-day festival, Diwali that some of our students celebrate. Students also talked about things for which they are thankful as some of our other students celebrated Thanksgiving. The lower school will come together to sing Christmas carols and we are all really excited to learn more about Hannukah this year!
In January students will learn about the Brazilian culture and will make wishes on Bahia Bands that are supposed to come true when they fall off. Last year our Scandinavian students and families helped us to celebrate the festival of Santa Lucia on 13 December.  We also celebrated the beginning of spring last year when our Romanian students shared Martisors with us. We hope to keep these traditions alive and also celebrate new ones each year!

Do you think international schools are more inclusive of different cultures and celebrate diversity more than other schools?

All you have to do is walk through our front doors to immediately feel like you are in an international school. You are greeted with flags from every country our students and staff represent. At ACS Hillingdon, we celebrate internationalism throughout the year. In lower school, we are lucky enough to have students representing thirty-two countries and we find so many ways to celebrate our diversity! At ACS, one of the core values to which we strongly adhere is our commitment to Enrich the International Experience.
We highlighted our unique diversity throughout our Spirit Week in October. Lower school students began the week in the auditorium with a “parade of flags”. Each of the thirty-two countries that we represent were proudly announced as students paraded their hand made flag through our multinational audience of flag-waving students. The assembly also included first graders on stage, introducing themselves in their native languages, a skit performed in Spanish, and a medley of music where we sang in four different languages.
Throughout the week, students were encouraged to dress in different outfits to celebrate internationalism. They wore clothing related to their own nationalities, clothing related to our host country, clothing related to any other country than their own and finished our International Spirit Week with a parade of students and staff dressed as book characters from any country other then their own.
One of my favorite days is our International Food Day. Though we coordinate with our PTSA and Multicultural Liasons for so many events throughout the year, our parent volunteers in particular enrich this day as they work hard to prepare food from all over the world. It is delicious and quite a learning experience, especially for our taste buds!
I think it is easy for us to embrace our differences.  We take every opportunity we can to celebrate our diversity.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

When a student leaves my office saying, “I feel like skipping. I feel so much lighter then I did when I first came in.”
When I get great reports from teachers about a student’s progress.
When parents call to thank me for my help.
These are the things that warm my heart and make me feel lucky to have the most amazing job in the world. I don’t know many people who can proclaim as much love for their job as I am able to. I go to work with a smile and leave at the end of the day with a smile. I love making a difference in people’s lives. That is what makes my job so rewarding! 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

School Counseling Linky Party 2013

I can't believe another great year has come and gone.  Time has to stop flying by, I seriously don't know where it goes!  This post is all about collaborating with other school counselors through the blog world.  I was so excited to see that Marissa from was hosting a School Counseling Linky Party.  I think that this is a great way to reflect on our blog posts of 2012 and to connect with even more school counselors.  

For now it's all about the posts.  Let's see what 2013 has in store for my blog....

My favorite blog post would have to be the one on transitions.  Since this is such an integral part of my work as an international school counsellor it is something that I am very passionate about.  I am currently working with a friend on editing all of my TCK footage into a documentary.  I can't wait to share the final video!!

My most popular blog post is, International Schools (and how I got in the loop).  This is the post where I share my story and this well-kept secret so that others can get in the loop too!

I follow so many blogs it was hard to pick.  To name a few: Elementary School CounselingSchool Counselor BlogSchool Counseling by HeartTeacher Tipster,  JYJoyner

If you are a school counselor, join in the fun!  All you have to do is create a blog post and make the title, 'School Counseling Linky Party 2013.'  Place the linky party logo in your post and answer the four questions.  Next, submit your blog post link at and start clicking.  I love finding new school counselors to follow and all of the great ideas that come with it!

I was really happy that my interview with Marissa Rex made it to her own favorite blog post of 2012!  I was also delighted to see that I got a shout out from in his blog post,  2012: My Favorite Posts of the Year.

Making a blog has helped me to connect with school counsellor's from around the world.  I look forward to a new year with many more posts.  Cheers and happy 2013 everyone!